
The Governors act as ‘critical friends’ to the school working closely with the Headteacher and play a strategic role in the running of the school. This includes maintaining the ethos of St Oscar Romero’s as a Catholic school under the direction of the Bishop, setting aims and objectives, adopting policies and setting targets.

Governors are also a visible presence in the school sitting on interview panels for senior members of staff and attending school events supporting staff and students in their achievements and successes.

The Governors are drawn from the local community and freely give their time and expertise in order to support the work of the school. There are several different categories of Governor:

Foundation Governors are appointed by the Diocese;
Parent Governors are appointed by self-nomination and parent vote where necessary;
Staff Governors are appointed by self-nomination and staff vote where necessary;
Local Authority and Co-opted Governors are appointed by the Governing Board.

We are blessed to have a committed and multi-talented Governing Board with a wide variety of experience and expertise.

Foundation Governors

Mrs C Cruz

Father C Ingle

Mrs L Jarman

Mrs J Malandain

Mr I Nash

Mrs T Williams

(Three vacancies)

Parent Governors

Mr E Gilbert

Mrs H Meakins

Staff Governor

Mrs J Beverley-Hedger

LA Authority and Co-opted Governors

Mrs V Hall

Mr C Silk

Mrs J Thomson

Link Governors for 2024-2025

Mrs C Cruz Student Voice, School Council
Father C Ingle Spiritual Life
Mrs V Hall Data, Pay and Performance, Safeguarding
Mrs J Hedger H & S, Student Voice, School Council
Mrs J Malandain Parent Focus Group, Safeguarding, Spiritual Life
Mr M  England Cyber-Security
Mrs H Meakins SEND
Mr E Gilbert Careers, Creative Study
Mr I    Nash MFL, Website
Mr C   Silk Buildings, CPD, Data, English, Finance, Maths, Pay and Performance, SEND,
Mrs J  Thomson Safeguarding
Mrs T  Williams Humanities, Pupil Premium,  Science

If you would like to contact our School Governors please do so through the Clerk to the Governors, Mrs Karen Godfrey, address St Oscar Romero Catholic School.

Governor Details and Attendance

Instrument of Government

Governors’ Areas of Experience

Only governors who are appointed or elected in accordance with the Instrument of Governance may vote at committee meetings. Staff Governors have voting rights in all areas other than those relating to pay, performance management and other staffing issues. Associate Members will not be eligible to vote. Where necessary, the elected Chair of Governors may have a second or casting vote.