Our school Careers Adviser can help you with planning your career path. You can talk to the Careers Adviser about any ideas you have for the future – or check out what might be available to you after Year 11.

The Careers Leader at St Oscar Romero Catholic School is Mr P Dean. His responsibilities are:
- The Extended Learning journey for all students.
- The implementation and coordination of the Careers/Employability program including all 8 Gatsby Benchmarks.
- Business Partnership coordinator.
- Duke of Edinburgh personal development Award Leader.
- The Pillars of Possibility Personal Development Program.
- John Muir Conservation Award teacher and coordination of the Finger Prints (not footprints) organisation.
- Please contact him if you have any questions or require any information
What Do Career Advisors Do?
- Careers Advisors help people to make decisions about their education, training and future career.
- They can discuss your career ideas with you and look at how these match the skills, qualifications and experience that you have, or need to get to success in your chosen area.
- They can tell you about entry requirements for different careers, courses, training, job vacancies and job trends in your local area. They can also help you with CV writing and can advise you on applying for jobs and courses.
- Careers Advisers usually talk to you individually but they also work with groups of people.
- Careers Advisers have professional qualifications