
St Oscar Romero School uses a portal called EduLink One that provides an integrated school information platform which draws together a range of existing schools systems with an engaging user interface and allows parents access information about their child in one place.

What Can EduLink One Do?

EduLink is a school information platform that can be accessed on any device – PC, laptop, tablet or mobile device – via the web browser or via the EduLink app.

Some of the Edulink features parents will find useful are:
(Please note that some of these options are under the “More” option)

Absence Reporting – Parents/carers can report their child absent from school due to illness
each day easily in just a few clicks, anytime. You will also be notified via email if your child is
late or absent from school.

Account Info – This screen will let you see general information about the selected child, such
as contact information, DOB, tutor etc.

Achievement – Will show any Student Achievement Rewards

Attendance – Parents/carers will be view statutory attendance statistics.

Behaviour – This will give you access to the behaviour records for your children.

Calendar – This will be populated with upcoming events, parents’ evening dates and school
holidays. If a dot is showing under a date, it means there are one or more events happening
that day. Click the date to find out more information.

Contacts – This screen will show you the contact information we have for Parents/carers .

Exams – This will give you information about any exams your child may be taking. You will
find an exam timetable as well as exam entries.

Links – Parents can access useful links from within EduLink

Noticeboard – This screen will show uploaded notices or letters to keep tabs on what their
child should be doing.

Timetable – This gives you a view of your child’s current timetable and will be kept up to
date with any changes of teachers, groups or rooms as they happen.

Update Information – Keep the school up to date with your current contact
information. Parents/carers can access and edit their contact details and their child’s
information and consents.

Documents – Parents/carers can access all Academic Reports enabling them to be

Forms – Parents/carers will be able to complete forms quickly and easily without having to
send paper copies home.

Clubs – Parents/carers can see what clubs their son/daughter is involved in.

Parents’ Evening – Parents/carers can book their slots with teachers ready for upcoming
parents’ evenings

How Do I Get A Login For EduLink One?

A child’s personal data merits particular protection under the new data protection law which came into effect in May 2018.

Parents with Parental Responsibility will be provided with a log-in for EduLink as the software provides access and editing functionality to a child’s personal data. If the school has not been able to verify Parental Responsibility for a parent, evidence will need to be provided.

Parents will receive their username via email from St Oscar Romero School

Please ensure your email address is up-to-date with the school admin office.

If you have not received an email or would like to access EduLink One, please contact Mr Gonzalez ([email protected])

Is EduLink Secure?

All data within the EduLink One software is encrypted using SSL technology. To make use of the app on your own personal device (mobile/tablet) you are required to have an “unlock”
pin/password/fingerprint or facial recognition.

How Can I Access EduLink One?

EduLink One is a school information platform that can be accessed on any device – PC, laptop, tablet or mobile device – via the web browser or via the EduLink app.

After accessing the system, you will need to log in with the school ID which is “stromeros” as well as your username and password. You will be sent an email with your login details.

Links to Edulink One can be found as follows:


Mobile Apps: EduLink One is available from Google Play, Amazon App Store and the Apple App Store. Click on the icons below to access the relevant store.

Parent Guide